The 1908 earthquake: memories, thoughts and perspectives for communities and cultural heritage
On Dec 28, 1908, a powerful earthquake, followed by a tsunami, struck the Strait of Messina destroying the cities of Reggio Calabria, Messina as well as many neighbours. This is known as the most tragic catastrophe that the Italian State faced at the beginning of the 20th century while also one of the most terrifying experiences for citizens.
112 years later, MEDFORT organised on DEC 28 a live event on the official Medfort FB page in order to remember and discuss this tragedy from different perspectives with thanks to the contribution of experts.

Guests together with some of the members of the Association discussed the following themes:
- Dr Sonia Calvari (Research Director at the INGV, Catania – Sicily) – .
- Prof. Federica Scibilia (University of Catania – Sicily) – The debate on the antiseismic buildings in Italy after the 1908 earthquake in Reggio and Messina.
- Nicola Mordà (MEDFORT co-founder) – The 1908 earthquake damages: a better understanding of seismic risks.
- Dr Barbara Mordà (MEDFORT Vice President) – The effects of earthquakes on individuals.
- Vincenzo Caruso (Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Enhancement of the Fortified Heritage of the Municipality of Messina – Sicily) –
- Domenico Cogliandro presented the memoeries of his forefather Domenico Cogliandro, who was the mayor of Cannitello in 1908.
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, MEDFORT organises its official presentation on its FB page. The event is scheduled for December 2 at 19,00 (Italian time).